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Understanding Amethyst Geode, Cathedral, Caves

J 12Amethyst geode caves are one of the most popular types of Feng Shui crystals used by people who are more serious in metaphysics.

Amethyst geodes that don’t come in a cave are exposed and this defeats the main purpose of why they are commonly used in Feng Shui. In other circles, it is also well-known as a healing stone.

The metaphysical power of the amethyst geode cave is that it traps positive energy, and double up as mountains for protection and support.

J 15Feng Shui is the Chinese system of philosophical laws that govern spatial arrangement and the harmony and flow of energy within a room or building.

Crystals work in powerful, yet subtle, ways to attract desired energy and strengthen your personal energy field. Amethyst is a large geode with an unparalleled deep purple colour that serves as a staple in achieving the ultimate harmonizing energy in any space.

Amethyst Geode Benefits

  • Activating wealth luck and providing protective support.
  • Counteracts negative energies in the environment
  • Provides a sense of calm and well-being
  • Protects against psychic attack
  • Promotes the work of the crown chakra

There are of course replica products all over the place when it comes to crystals. They look, feel, and weigh the same as the real thing.

Our products are directly imported from Brazil with Certificate of Origin attested by FIERGS

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